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10 Christmas Video Ideas for Your Business

Dec 31,2019• Proven solutions

Ho ho! The Christmas is the most cheerful end to a year’s ending. Being well cherished across the globe, it opens up great avenues for biz and otherwise. While, people are all pepped up with festive vibes, there is a fantastic opportunity for the biz to manifold its users. So, whether your business is rolling deeper in the downhill or working steady, the Christmas video marketing can rock and roll the sales and increase the selling rapidly. Wondering how? Allow your worries to take a back seat and triumph the world of marketing with its kickass Christmas video ideas to fire up the operations! Unveil them now.

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10 Christmas Video Ideas

1. Christmas Sale Promotion

At this walk of time, the businesses progress with firm tactics to grasp a good number of audience. They give users amazingly whopping discounts, offers to boost their promotion to next level. Mind you, the competition’s streak is crazily high at Christmas. So, you need to play your cards, right and get your biz to the edge. And, creating a good Christmas video featuring the discounts, offers is a great way to get bee attention of your target audience via video.

2. Christmas Gift Ideas Video

If you look around, people are hooked with buying gifts for their near and dears one at Christmas time. But, in this world full of DIYs, creative gifts, people are looking out for some creative, kickass and not too pricey Christmas gift idea. And, for creating a good customer base, be a solution to their little problems. That can be well done by coming up with the theme of innovative hacks and gifts in a crisp Christmas video. This will make a mushy picture of your venture in a fun manner!

3. Christmas thank you Card

The guiding factor of your business is your loyal customers. Feel thankful for their everlasting continuation with your operations by prepping a Christmas video dedicated to thank them in a cute way. Make them feel how crucial they are being getting you on edge. Prep the video with swaying templates and sweet background. Give your patrons a thumbs-up for placing their precious trust to your biz.

4. Show your Generosity

Any business, venture, corporation is socially or morally responsible for putting in their efforts for their business. Charity stands as the sweet gesture of conveying the little efforts you make to contribute towards society. Not only does it move your audience but shows the generous side of your customer. Tie up with an NGO, make donations in kind and cash. So, make a coverage video this Christmas this to start the year.

5. Christmas Greeting Video

This festive season embarks a joyous mood for it’s a holiday season. Where one enjoys, cherishes with friend. You can give regards to your dedicated clientele a warm wish. Create a Christmas video by wishing them great holidays ahead. It is this simple! Play with the background using festive bright colors, balloons and party poppers to make it appealing and good-vibe video. Don’t forget to channelize the videos to your active platforms.

6. Christmas Countdown Video

For the year’s ending gets the social bees on board with their heartfelt countdown pictures, resolutions, plans and what not. And to connect with your customers, audience and clients, you too can indulge on personal note.  Prepare a fantastic countdown Christmas video to indulge with these happening posts. Give them useful hacks and tips for gifts. In the meanwhile, brief out about the line of brands, products you’re aiming to launch in the upcoming year.

7. Christmas Facts Video

A descriptive video may deem to be old-school. But it’s one of the crucial means of keeping the audience glued to the posts you feature in. Showcase some incredibly interesting facts about Christmas and New Year. Such as how Christmas celebrated around the world, the Dos and Don’ts in Christmas etc. Ensure the key of keeping it simple and crispy.

8. Happy New Year Video

The excitement for Christmas is not limited to the periphery for a single day but has a vibe of welcoming the upcoming year as well. Although, it is widely used as a marketing tool, you can ensure to grab this marketing opportunity to sparkle your venture. Head on with the simple Christmas video with wishing prosperous Happy New Year too!

9. Christmas HOW-TO

The HOW-TO section covers as one of the viable options for sharing stuff that can sync well with the audience. You can exercise the liberty of showcasing your expertise on a certain element of the video. Some people can venture upon detailing some useful things to do in Christmas. Just as giving a concise tutorial on HOW-TO make Plum cake or How to cook Turkey? Hence, teaching your customers some amazing HOW-TOs can be a great Christmas video idea.

10. Christmas funny video

As well all love watching entertaining funny, mocking videos, creating the same for your customers can be exciting too. You can pick up any topic relating to Christmas like Santa going on a date mocking elves and creating X-Mas tree out of socks. The very aim for such video will boost up brand awareness in an entertaining manner. Hence going for this Christmas video idea will be compelling and exciting at the same time.


Make your Christmas all the more relishing and cheerful by not all celebrating at home but spreading smile with your precious customers. So, there you go! We’ve touched upon some real cool and fun Christmas video ideas that any small or large cap biz can possibly venture to. Let us know in the comments sections which methods hooked up your attention and possibly got you on your own toes!

Liza Brown
Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.